To objective to lay down this procedure is to handle sieves and screens.
This procedure is applicable for the handling of sieves and screens.
Production executive, Store Executive
Head of Quality Assurance department.
1. Receipt of sieves/Screen
- The concern department will raise the demand for new sieves/screens to the maintenance department.
- The maintenance department will provide specifications to the purchasing department for the purchase of a new sieve/screen.
- The purchase department will send a Purchase order to the vendor with specifications.
- On receipt of new sieve/screen from the manufacturer, Maintenance department shall Check the sieve/screen as per the specification given and manufacturer Certificate of Analysis.
- If any damage or out-of-specification is found, the maintenance department shall inform of Quality Assurance department.
- Damaged or out of specification will be handled by quality assurance department with accordance of purchase department. Such sieves or screens should be send to manufacturer.
- If sieve is found as per specification it should be coded as per numbering procedure and if needed to concerned department, shall be issued accordingly.
2. Numbering of Sieves
- The numbering system shall consist 12 alphanumeric characters. For first sieve, the number will be SDH/VS/08/01
- 1st to 3rd alpha characters indicate the location code whereas "SDH" indicates the plant location.
- 4th alpha character is "/" for the separator.
- 5th to 6th alpha character "VS" which indicates the "Vibro shifter".
- 7th alpha character is "/" for the separator.
- 8th and 9th alpha characters indicate the mesh size.
- 10th character is "/" for separator.
- 11th & 12th numeric characters indicate a serial number of that particular sieve.
3. Numbering of Screens
- The numbering system shall consist 12 alphanumeric characters. For the first sieve, the number will be SDH/CD/08/01
- 1st to 3rd alpha characters indicate the location code whereas "SDH" indicates the plant location.
- 4th alpha character is "/" for the separator.
- 5th to 6th alpha character "CD" which indicates the "Cad mill".
- 7th alpha character is "/" for the separator.
- 8th and 9th alpha characters indicate the mesh size.
- 10th character is "/" for separator.
- 11th & 12th numeric characters indicate a serial number of that particular sieve.
4. Storage, Iss,ue and usage of sieves/Screens
- New sieve(s)/Screen(s) should be entered in inventory book and should be stored in maintenance department.
- Sieves/Screens should be stored in poly bags and kept in the racks with a "CLEANED" label.
- As per requirement by the concerned department maintenance department shall issue a sieve/Screen and maintain its record.
- The concerned department shall check the cleanliness of the sieve/screen before use.
- The sieve shall be changed after every changeover.
- Un-cleaned sieves shall be place in potable water for 02 hours and cleaned with 1.0 % detergent water using soft brush. After that with plenty of purified water.
- After cleaning check that the meshes are clear and not damaged.
- Cleaned sieves are stored in the concerned department in poly bags.
- Before every use sieves and screens are cleaned with 70% Isopropyl alcohol.
- Damaged screens/sieves shall be returned to the maintenance department.
- The maintenance department shall enter the damaged record and de-shaped sieve and place the sieve/screen in the junkyard.
DCN- Document Change Number.
Rev. No.- Review Number