SOP for Operation of Bottle Labeling Machine

To lay down a procedure for the operation of the bottle labeling machine.

This SOP shall apply to the bottle labeling machines in the packing area of PharmaInfo Ltd.

The concerned operator is responsible for the implementation of the process.
The In-Charge is responsible for the execution and compliance of the procedure.

  • Check that the machine has been cleaned as per its standard cleaning procedure.
  • Check for the proper lubrication of all the moving parts and with the aid of an oil gun add more lubricant, if need be.
  • Ensure that the printed labels to be used have been approved by both the Department In-charge and Q.A. Manager by checking for their signatures on the samples attached to the B.M.R.
  • Place the required amount of gum holder and fix it in place. The amount of gum required is decided by the operator’s judgment. Fix the rubber roller in place.
  • Place the labels in the label holder and turn ‘ON’ the main switch.

  • Load the bottles to be labeled manually, one at a time.
  • Push the green button to begin Labeling, stepping on the foot pedal to transfer labels from the holder onto the bottles.
  • Wipe excess gum from the gum roller using the cloth to prevent wetting (hence damaging of the labels) after releasing the foot pedal.
  • Adjust the width of the label passage with the aid of a screwdriver, if need be.
  • To stop labeling push the red button and switch off the main supply.
  • Remove any excess labels of a finished batch from the machine and return to the supervisor for reconciliation.
  • Remove the gum from the gum holder and clean the machine as per the prescribed procedure.
  • All the operation details shall be entered in the equipment usage log book.

Q.A - Quality Assurance
BL - Beta-Lactam
SOP - Standard Operating Procedure
No. - Number
P.D - Production



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