SOP for Operation and Cleaning of V Blender

To lay down the procedure for the Operation and Cleaning of the Blender.

The procedure applies to Blenders located in the Production Department.

It is the Operator’s responsibility to operate and clean the machine as per this procedure.
The supervisors should ensure the procedure is properly followed.


Procedure for Operation
  • Switch off the mains.
  • Check the cleanliness of the machine and area.
  • Ensure the bottom valve is closed.
  • In PVCB-2000 adjust the position for loading by hand wheel rotation.
  • Fix the status label with the details.
  • Unlock the manual handle.
  • Load the materials to be mixed as per the procedure in the BMR.
  • Close the blender by tightening the lid.
  • Lock the lid using a lid lock handle.
  • Switch on the mains switch.
  • Check the smooth rotation by inching.
  • Press the green switch to start the blender.
  • After completion of mixing press the red switch to stop the mixing.
  • Adjust the vertical position of the blender by inching.
  • Unlock the lid.
  • Slowly unload the material into polybag-lined containers.
  • Fix the status label with the details.

Cleaning for Product to Product Change Over
  • Open the guard by removing with nuts.
  • Open the round lid by removing the clamps.
  • Remove the powder from the blender with water till visually clean.
  • Wash the guards, lid, and nuts with 1% soap solution.
  • Wash with water till detergent is removed.
  • Rinse with purified water.
  • Fix the lid with the screw.
  • Put the status label.
  • If the machine is not used within 24 hours machine should be recleaned by following the above procedure.

Cleaning for Batch to Batch Change Over
  • Fix the status label.
  • Open the guard lid by removing the wing nuts.
  • Open the round lid by removing the clamps.
  • Wipe out the powder from the blender with a lint-free dry cloth.
  • Clean the foundation with a cloth.
  • Fix the guard lock with screws.
  • Fix the round lid with clamps
  • Fix the status label.

SOP: Standard Operating Procedure.
BMR: Batch Manufacturing Record.


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