SOP for Cleaning, Handling & Storage of Production Utensils

To provide a procedure for cleaning and storage of utensils used in production.

The procedure shall apply to utensils such as SS and plastic drums, Scoops, Crates, Trolleys, and Pallets.

It is the responsibility of each operator to clean the utensils in their respective section after use as per this procedure.
It is the responsibility of the Supervisors to ensure that the procedure is followed.

Cleaning and storage of Plastic / SS containers, crates:
  • Dedust the container using the vacuum cleaner in the respective section after use.
  • Transfer the container to the washing area.
  • Scrub the container with a lint-free cloth or nylon brush.
  • Apply 2% surfactant solution to remove stains.
  • Wash and rinse with potable water ensuring that all the surfactant is washed off.
  • Perform final rinse of containers with purified water.
  • Get the residual water certified by QC for the previous product content.
  • Dry the containers with a clean cloth or in hot air if applicable.
  • Store the containers in the area of use.
  • Label the container appropriately mentioning the date before which the container shall be used. If the container is not used before the mentioned date, repeat the cleaning procedure again before use.
  • Cover them with a polybag to avoid dust accumulation.

  • De-dust the scoops in the respective process areas.
  • Transfer the scoop to the washing area in a trolley by keeping it in a polythene bag.
  • Scrub the scoop with a lint-free cloth soaked in water. Use warm water to remove some hardened stuff.
  • Make the final rinse with clean purified water.
  • Dry the scoops with a clean cloth or in hot air if applicable.
  • Return the scoops in the area of application in a clean polythene bag.
  • Ensure that the scoops and the drums are dedicated to particular products to minimize the risk of cross-contamination.
  • All utensils that need to be used in the area of the liquid are to be wiped with 70% Alcohol before use.

SS: Stainless Steel
QC: Quality Control



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