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SOP for Operation and Cleaning Procedure of Dehumidifier

To lay down a procedure for the operation and cleaning of the dehumidifier.

This procedure applies to the production department in the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Facilities of XYZ Limited.

The production operator is responsible for the implementation of the process.
The production In-Charge is responsible for the execution of the procedure.


Operating procedure:
  • Switch on the dehumidifier.
  • The tropical Nortec dehumidifier equipment is designed to be kept ON for the entire period when the desired humidity level is to be maintained, the dehumidifier equipment will automatically cut OFF when the relative humidity in the conditioned room reaches the desired level.
  • The dehumidifier equipment will automatically start when the relative humidity in the room increases beyond the range desired.

Setting Humidity control:
  • The humidity controller (humidistat) provided is a very sensitive factory-calibrated instrument located on the inlet side of the dehumidifier.
  • The humidistat adjustment/control, knob can be accessed through the window provided on the face behind the front section grill.
  • The desired relative humidity can be set by rotating the adjustment/control knob until the pointer is opposite the desired setting.
  • We give below a few of the relative humidity settings and the corresponding room temperatures:
     Relative humidity            Room temperature
           45%                                  70° F and above
           40%                                  74° F and above
          35%                                   81° F and above

  • The setting of the humidistat should not be adjusted frequently as this will result in a loss of sensitivity of the instrument.
  • The dehumidifier equipment should be operating the room temperatures exceeding 104°F (40°C).
  • The lower section is a trolley that houses the condensate water collecting tank, checks when it is full of water and removes water from the tank.
  • Clean the equipment with a wet cloth and open the front section grill. Remove the filter and clean with water and remove the dust on the control knob section and clean with a wet cloth, after cleaning fix the filter and fix the grill.

Q.A: Quality Assurance
SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
No.: Number
P.D: Production



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