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SOP for Cleaning and Sanitization in Microbiology Laboratory

To lay down the procedure for Cleaning and sanitization of Microbiology Laboratory.

This procedure is applicable for Cleaning and sanitization of Microbiology Laboratory located in Quality Control Department at Pharmainfo Limited.

  • House-Keeping: Preparation of sanitizing and disinfectant solution and cleaning/sanitizing of the areas
  • House-Keeping Supervisor: To ensure cleaning is done properly
  • QC Officer (Microbiologist): To ensure Cleaning and sanitation is done as per the procedure
  • QC Head: Overall responsible for effective implementation

Daily Cleaning: (Twice a day, at the start of the shift and before the end of the shift)
  • Follow the following sequence for the cleaning in the microbiology section:
  • Microbiology testing room, Air Lock, Incubation room, Media preparation room, followed by Microbiology section corridor.
  • Use only approved and recommended concentrations of soap and disinfectant solutions.

g Tables:

  • After completion of each activity transfer the used glassware to washing area, remove any shreds of paper if any and other unwanted material.
  • Clean the table with soap solution followed by raw water, if any stains on the working table then remove by scrubbing.
  • Mop the surface using wet cloth followed by dry cloth.

  • Collect the waste and discard in the waste bin.
  • In case of breakage of glassware on floor, remove it carefully with nylon broom and dust pan followed by wet mopping.
  • Clean the floor with soap solution followed by raw water.
  • Disinfect the floor with disinfectant solution. Keep a separate mop for each activity. Repeat the activity in the same sequence.
  • Change the disinfectant solution used for mopping weekly.

Waste Bins/Footwear used in clean rooms
  • Collect the waste covered in polybag from the waste bin and clean the bin from inside and outside with dry cloth.
  • Disinfect the footwear used in Clean Area with 70 % IPA and keep in the drawer labeled as “Disinfected Foot ware”.

Equipments/Instruments/Pass Box
  • Clean the surrounding area of the Equipment/Instrument with a clean and dry cloth.
  • Clean the Equipment/Instrument externally with a clean wet cloth followed by dry cloth.
  • Wipe the pass box with disinfectant solution followed by 70% IPA. Change the cycle Daily.

Twice a Week Cleaning
  • Doors and Glass panels
  • Remove any dust using dry cloth.
  • Mop the door and windows using wet cloth dipped in soap solution followed by clean dry cloth.
  • Spray surface cleaner on the glasses and wipe to clean with wiper.

Weekly Cleaning
  • Waste Bins/Footwear used in clean Area
  • Clean the footwear once a week in soap solution. Rinse with raw water and soak in freshly prepared disinfectant solution for 10 minutes. Remove the footwear, drain off the solution and keep them in the microbiology section.
  • Add about 50 ml of disinfectant solution and tilt the dustbin in such a manner so that the disinfectant solution shall come in contact with the entire inner surface.
  • Allow it to stand for 15 minutes.
  • After 15 minutes drain out disinfectant solution into the basin and wash with plenty of water and dry the dustbin using dry cloth.

  • Flush the wash basins with plenty of water.
  • Remove stains by scrubbing with a brush dipped in soap solution.
  • Pour about 50 ml of disinfectant solution and keep for 10 to 15 minutes and flush the basin with plenty of water.

Fortnightly Cleaning
  • Wall and False ceiling
  • Clean the walls, ceilings, electrical units, AHU grills with dry-clean lint free cloth once in fifteen days.
  • Remove wall stains, finger-prints if any by using sponge and soap solution followed by wet cloth and clean dry cloth.
  • Clean the tube light grills, AHU supply and return air ducts with lint free cloth.

Storage Cabinets
  • Remove dust from outside using dry lint free cloth.
  • Remove any stains using soap solution or appropriate solvent (Isopropyl Alcohol).

  • Wipe the inner surface with a wet cloth followed by mopping with a dry lint free cloth.
  • Maintain the Records of cleaning & sanitization in the Annexure 1.
  • Clean all the equipments periodically as per the procedure mentioned in the respective equipment SOP’s.

IPA: Isopropyl Alcohol
LAF: Laminar Air Flow
AHU: Air Handling Unit

Annexure No. 1 : Records of Cleaning & Sanitization


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