To check the Bio-burden level on the non-sterile product.
This SOP is applicable for testing of non-sterile components and non-sterile primary packaged/finished product.
QC Microbiologist - To carry out bio-burden in the microbiology laboratory.
Department Head & QA Head shall be accountable for the implementation of this SOP.
Note: Use membrane filtration method if estimated CFU is low and pour plate if estimated CFU is high.
Membrane Filtration Method
- Prepare and sterilize the media as per respective SOP.
- Collect the samples for microbiological examination in pre-sterilized glass bottles.
- Testing is to be performed in the biosafety cabinet.
- Sterilize the required articles and keep them in the dedicated area for analysis.
- Arrange all the required materials in the bio-safety cabinet before starting the test.
- Place the sterile 47mm, 0.45-u membrane filters in the filtration cups.
- For solid products dissolve approximately lg of the sample in 100ml of suitable sterile diluents(Buffered Peptone Water) and filter through a sterile 47mm, 0.45-u membrane filter, by applying vacuum.
- For the samples having anti-microbial activity rinse the membrane with 3 x 100ml of sterile 0.1% peptone water.
- Aseptically place the filtered membrane on the surface of Nutrient Agar / or Soyabean Casein Digest Agar plates.
- Prepare the - ve control late by filtering not less than 100ml sterile water through the membrane and put the membrane on the surface of Nutrient Agar / or Soyabean Casein Digest Agar plates and incubate along with the test samples.
- Incubate the plates at 30℃ -35 ℃ for 48 hours followed by 20℃ -25 ℃ for 72 hours.
- Observe the plates for CFU counts after the incubation period and interpret the result as the number of CFU per 100ml/ gram as applicable.
Pour Plate Method
- Prepare and sterilize the media as per respective SOP.
- Collect the samples for microbiological examination in pre-sterilized glass bottles.
- Testing is to be performed in a bio-safety cabinet.
- Sterilize the required articles and keep them in the dedicated area for analysis.
- Prepare single plates for each sample to be tested.
- For the solid products dissolved or suspend approximately 1 0g of the sample in 100ml of suitable sterile diluents mark the dilution as 1: 10.
- For the samples estimated to have more microbial load (more than 300 CFU/ml), do the required dilution.
- Pipette out 1.0ml of sample into a sterilized petri plate before adding molten medium.
- Maintain molten medium at about 55℃ and cool to about 40℃ to 45℃ just before use.
- Pour approximately 20ml sterilized molten Nutrient Agar / or Soyabean Casein Digest Agar medium into each plate.
- Smoothly rotate the petri dish clockwise and anti-clockwise wise or do the spread plate method using an L-spreader to mix the sample evenly with the molten agar. Allow the medium to solidify.
- Count all the colonies on the plates after the incubation period with the help of a colony counter and record the counts as several CFU/ml or gm for each sample.
- Record the results.
- Calculation: Count per gm/ml= Dilution Factor x Number of CFU
Safety and Precaution
- Follow the entry, exist procedure of respective areas for sampling.
- Wear sterile gloves, cap, and facemask while collecting the samples.
Test Limit for Bio-Burden
Bacterial Count: NMT 20 CFU/30 c㎡
Fungal Count: NMT 2 CFU/30 c㎡
CFU-Colony Forming unit
SOP-Standard Operating Procedure
NMT-National Microbiological Test
MM- Millimeter
QC-Quality Control
QA-Quality Assurance