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SOP for Handling of Chemicals and Reagents

To lay down a procedure for handling reagents and chemicals in the quality control department. 

This procedure is applicable for all chemicals and reagents, received in Quality Control Department. 

Execution: Chemist and above – QC department. 
Checking: Asst. Manager and above – QC department 

  • On the receipt of Reagent and Chemicals, inspect each container for its integrity and expiry date, if mentioned on the labels; otherwise, assign a self-life for a period of 5 years. Label each container with the Date of Receipt, Expiry and maintain the status.
  1. Date of Receipt: ……………………………
  2. Expiry: ………………………………
  3. Date of Opening: ……………………………
  4. Use before: ………………………………
  • Store the material as recommended by the manufacturer if not recommended, store it in a laboratory at ambient conditions.
  • Issue the intact container of material as per requirement.
  • Maintain the status of Reagents and Chemicals in the Laboratory as per the Annexure-1
  • At the time of opening mention the Date of opening and use before on the label.
  • Use the open material container within 2 years after the date of opening for solid material and one year for liquid material or before the expiry date mentioned by the manufacturer, whichever is earlier.
  • During use, if any physical discrepancies or contamination are observed in any Reagent and Chemical discontinue the use of that Reagent and Chemical.
  • After expiry chemical shall be diluted with water by taking full precaution, wearing protective wear such as hand gloves, safety goggles, nose mask, etc., and finally decant the water in the soak pit area.

Hazardous Chemical: 
  • A hazardous material is a material that is capable of producing harmful physical and health effects. 
  • Harmful physical effects include fire, sudden release of pressure, explosion, and other violent reactions. 
  • The chemicals which are labeled as per the following category & symbol are considered to be Hazardous. 
Harmful health effects include acute and chronic conditions. 

  1. Liquids: Any Liquid having a flash point below 100°F. 
  2. Solids: Substances that can cause fire through friction, absorption of moisture, or spontaneous chemical changes, when ignited will burn vigorously.

Substances give rise to highly exothermic reactions in contact with other substances, particularly flammable substances. 

The substance destroys living tissues. 

Substances are so toxic that it present a risk to life or health. 

Chemical compounds or mixtures that react, and decompose with the release of gas and heat. 

Dangerous to the environment: 
Substances that, were they to enter into the environment would present or might present an immediate or delayed danger for one or more components of the environment. 

Handling of Hazardous chemicals: 
  • While handling hazardous chemicals the QC personnel should wear protective wear such as hand gloves, safety goggles, nose masks etc. 
  • Keep yourself away from the container while pouring out the chemicals. Use a suction bulb for pipetting the chemicals. 
  • While preparing dilute acid solutions take special care as follows. First, cool the aqueous solution in ice bath. Slowly add acid into the solution with constant stirring.
  • Keep inflammable liquids and substances away from naked flame or electric spark. 
  • Avoid breathing of vapors of spilled material.

SOP - Standard Operating Procedure 
Q.C - Quality control 

Annexure-1 - Issuance record of reagent and chemicals


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