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SOP for Cleaning Procedure of Auto Dust Extractor

To lay down a procedure for cleaning the auto dust extractor.

This procedure applies to the production department in the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Facilities of XYZ Limited. This procedure covers the cleaning of the auto dust extractor.

The concerned operator is responsible for the implementation of the process.
The production In-Charge is responsible for the execution and compliance of the procedure.


Type “A” Cleaning Procedure
  • This procedure has to be followed at the time of:
  1. Batch-to-batch changeover
  2. From lower to higher strength
  3. At the end of the day
  • Ensure that the status label is updated as “TO BE CLEANED”.
  • Ensure that the dust extractor main is switched off before cleaning.
  • Remove the previous batch's labels, materials, and containers from the area.
  • Remove any adhering material from the outer surface of the dust extractor.
  • Dry clean the parts like body surface, clamps, drum, lid, and pipes by using dry lint-free cloth.
  • Ensure the complete cleanliness visually.
  • Update the status label as “Cleaned”.

Type “B” cleaning
  • This procedure has to be followed at the time of:
  1. Product-to-product changeover
  2. From higher to lower strength
  3. Change in colour
  4. After any major breakdown or preventive maintenance
  5. After continuous production of 6 days (of the same product)
  6. If equipment is idle for 7 days from the cleaning date or before the use.

👉 Affix the status label “TO BE CLEANED” on the equipment.
👉Ensure that dust collector mains are switched off before cleaning.
👉Update the status as “Under Cleaning” on the display board.
  • Remove all the powder from the dust extractor by hand collector.
  • Shake the hanger vigorously with the handle.
  • Remove the top cover, and collect all the powder from the drum into the polythene bag. Weigh it, note down the weight of the contaminated powder, and discard it. Clean the drum with liquid soap and purified water.
  • Remove the filter bag from the hanger, and wash thoroughly with soap and purified water.
  • Clean the dust extractor from the inside with a wet cloth.
  • Remove the dust-collecting nozzle from the machine and clean it with soap and purified water and raise it with purified water for three times.
  • Clean the flooring, walls, and glass partition of the department with soap and water.
  • If the cleaned machine is not used within 24 hours or there are signs of dust or powder settled on the outside surface, then the equipment's exterior should be wiped with a wet duster followed by a clean dry duster.
  • Assemble the dismantled parts.
  • Update the status label as “CLEANED”.
  • Record the entry in the equipment cleaning log.

SOP: Preparation, Approval, and Control of Standard Cleaning Procedures for equipment.

Q.A: Quality Assurance
SCP: Standard Cleaning Procedure
No. : Number
P.D: Production



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