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SOP for Safety Measure for Quality Control Personnel

To provide guidelines for the safe working of QA personnel.

To lay down a procedure for safety measures for QA personnel.

Executive Q.A 
Jr. Executive.

  • When taking samples of liquids, creams or tablets, etc., wear gloves and necessary Safety equipment. Do not stand on any small lines such as an instrument or drain line while collecting samples.
  • Never use your mouth to suck the highly volatile and corrosive liquids into a Pipette. Use a syringe or a suction bulb or a vacuum line.
  • Store cracked or broken glassware promptly or discard in approved containers.
  • Store minimum volatile material in the reagent rack.
  • Never take eatable food or drink from laboratory apparatus. Work under hood while handling volatile chemicals that are toxic or irritating. All work involving heating of Bromine or Carbon tetra Chloride should be done in a fume cupboard. Remove all non-essential chemicals and apparatus before working in the fume cupboard.

  • Use a burette or graduated cylinder for measuring dangerous liquids that is Ammonia, Sulfuric acid, Hydrochloric acid etc., and not a mouth pipette.
  • Wear protective gloves while handling toxic chemicals.
  • Do not throw flammable solvents in sink. The liquids or oils that solidify on cooling must be dumped into a container and must not be thrown in the sink. In case of a chemical spill on your person, remove the contaminated clothing immediately. Wash the affected area with soap and water.
  • If it is necessary to dilute concentrated Sulfuric acid with water, always add acid to water stirring all the while. Never add water to acid as this produces a violent reaction and you could receive injuries.
  • Acquaint yourself with the location, type and limitations of all fire extinguishing equipment and be sure you know how to use it effectively. Cool bottles of Ammonia solution before opening them, particularly in warm weather.
  • Do not force glass tubes or thermometers out of stoppers when dismantling equipment.
  • While handling ovens, check frequently the operation and accuracy of the oven temperature regulators and thermometers.
  • Do not over load electrical equipment or use it for any purpose, than that for which it was designed Clean and dry thoroughly all electrical equipment on which liquids have been spilled, making sure that the current is off. Do not store or use Carbon di-Sulfide near hot equipment. It may “flash” even at a steam-heated surface.
  • As flammable materials are used in the lab, ignition of vapor or dust can occur from sources such as flames sparks, electrical heating elements, cigarettes and Static electricity. Observe “NO SMOKING” signs. Never heat flammable materials in an open container with an open flame. Use a mantle, water bath or Steam bath. No electrical apparatus that produces sparks is to be operated where flammable vapors are present.
  • Date all containers upon receipt. Transfer from the original container to the reagent Container should be avoided. Store Ether in a cool place and protect it from light. Keep in lab only the quantity of ether required for the immediate test.
  • Do not store any Volatile liquids such as Ether, Solvents, or filled-in bottles in the refrigerator. Label all bottles containing organic solvents. Precaution should be taken not to store water for drinking in the Refrigerator and use it for drinking purposes. Store chemicals as per the compatibility chart.
  • Store solvents in the flame-proof cupboard and not in other areas.



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