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SOP for Operation of Batch Printing Machine

To lay down a procedure for the operation of batch printing machine.

This SOP shall be applicable for batch printing machines in the packing area.

The concerned operator is responsible for the implementation of the process.
The Packing In-Charge is responsible for the execution and compliance of the procedure.

  • The packing person shall ensure the cleanliness of the batch printing machine (semi-automatic) its parts & area and the ‘cleaned label’ on it.
  • Before starting the operation packing person gets the line clearance from Q.A. person by writing the status label with the Product Name, Batch Details to the equipment & area.
  • The packing In-Charge will issue the stereo to the operator.
  • Adjust the Block according to the data given, Batch No., Mfg. Date, and Exp.Date with flat rubber stereos.
  • Wet the roller of the batch printing machine with Black Ink.
  • Rotate the roller by hand, so that uniformity of ink on the roller is achieved.
  • Adjust the Block on Base-Plate in such a way that printing is uniform and in the proper place on the labels.
  • Switch “ON” the mains.
  • Take the trial of overprinting on the label.
  • When the over-printing of batch details is satisfactory, get the signature from the packing In-Charge and Q.A. Person on over-printed cartons. Continue over-printing and complete the batch.
  • Record the batch details in “Printing Log Book.
  • Attach specimen label to BPR.
  • Collect the overprinted labels in a duly labeled container with Batch details.
  • Switch “OFF” the mains & Affix the “To be cleaned” label.
  • Seal the container till taken for packing. Store the container in the designated area provided. Return the used stereo to the packing In-Charge.

Q.A - Quality Assurance
SOP - Standard Operating Procedure
No. - Number



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