SOP for Preparation and Issuance of Data Sheet

To lay down a procedure for the Preparation, Numbering, Approval, Authorization, and Control, of Data Sheet for Raw Material (RM) and Finish Product (FP) including In Process, validation, Intermediate.

This SOP shall be applicable for the preparation and control of Datasheet for Finished Products including in-process, and Raw material testing at PharmaInfo Limited. 

Preparation: Chemist and above-QC Department 
Checking: Asst. Manager and above-QC Department 
Approval: Manger and his designee-QA Department 
Issuance and control: Chemist and above QA documentation cell

  • For data sheet preparation: The front page and subsequent pages of Datasheets shall be prepared in the approved format on A-4 size paper 
  • For Certificate of Analysis: If COA is applicable, shall be prepared in the approved format on A-4 size paper. 
  • For detailed formats of data sheets (Front page, subsequent pages & Certificate of Analysis) Refer: to Annexure - 01 for Raw Materials, Annexure - 02 for Finished products (Tablets), Annexure - 03 For Finished Products (Capsules), Annexure - 04 for Finished Product (Liquid), Annexure - 05 for Finished Product (Dry Syrup), Annexure - 06 for Finished Product (Sachets), Annexure - 07 for Intermediate, In process and validation samples, Annexure - 08 for water testing sample, Annexure - 09 for swab sample and Annexure - 10 for Miscellaneous sample. 
  • Each Datasheet shall have a unique number. Once the number is allocated to any Data sheet the same number shall not be repeated to any other Data sheet. 
  • For datasheet number shall be as follows X/YYY 

X refers to the product code for Product specific data sheet otherwise X refer to mentioned in the table

YYY- Refer to the serial no starting from 001 

  • After initiation, Checking, and approval of the Datasheet, the Master copy shall be submitted to the QA documentation cell. 
  • QA department shall issue a photocopy by stamping on each page as “CONTROLLED copy ” 
  • Issuance record shall be maintained by giving the issuance number as follows XYY/NNNN 



SOP: Standard Operating Procedure 
No. : Number 
Dept.: Department 
Asst. : Assistant 
A.R. No. : Analytical Report Number 
STP: Standard Test Procedure 
PM: Packaging Material 
RM: Raw Material 
FP: Finish Products 

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