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SOP for Microbial Testing of Raw Material, Packing Materials, Finished Product and Stability Samples

To lay down a procedure for the microbiological testing of raw materials, packing material, finished product, and stability samples.

This procedure applies to microbiological testing of raw materials, packing materials, finished products, and stability samples.

Microbiologist – Responsible for analysis and reporting the results.
Section in-charge – Responsible for reviewing the activity and results.
QC Head – Responsible for implementing the Procedure.
QA Head – Overall compliance.

  • After receiving the samples of packing materials, raw materials finished and stability entry shall be done in respective inward registers.
  • Raw materials and packing materials shall be entered in Annexure I (Raw Material inward register).
  • Finished Products and Stability samples shall be entered in Annexure II (Finished Products inward register).
  • Allotment of M.R. No. shall be MX/YYZZZ,

M stands for micro, 
X stands for material (raw material, packaging material- 
R, Finished product, Stability, Blending, core, coated, packing strips - F) 
YY stands for an academic year, 
ZZZ - sequential number starting from 001 for respective material.

  • Preparation of microbial media: Prepare and sterilize the required media as per the current version of SOP QC/MB/XXX Preparation and sterilization of Microbial Media.
  • The material shall be tested for Total Aerobic Microbial Count (TAMC), Total Yeast and mold Count (TYMC), and Test for specified micro-organisms as per pharmacopeia status and specification.
  • The analysis shall be carried out as per the current version of the general test procedure.
  • After Completion of microbial analysis certificate of analysis shall be made as per the finished product / raw material specification.
  • Raw data for microbiological analysis for raw materials and packing materials, finished products, and stability samples shall be written in Annexure IV.
  • Microbiological Test reports for raw materials, packing materials, finished products, and stability samples shall be prepared in Annexure III.
  • If any sample is positive for any specified micro-organism, perform the confirmatory test.
  • The results of the confirmatory tests shall be recorded in Annexure VI.
  • If any results fail to meet specifications, an out-of-specification shall be carried out as per the current version of the SOP.

QC: Quality Control
QA: Quality Assurance
SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
MB: Microbiology


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