SOP for Entry, Exit in production & Quality Control Area

To lay down the procedure for Entry and exit in production & quality control area.

This procedure is applicable at XYZ Limited for Entry and exit in the production and quality control areas.

All personnel entering the plant

Head Quality Assurance

Entry procedure in plant
  • Personnel must follow the below-mentioned procedure while entering the production area.
  • Personnel shall keep their belongings on the shelves provided by the company.
  • Afterward, remove the street shoes on the shoe rack and wear the footwear which is provided by the company.
  • Now personnel shall enter the changing room and wash their hands.
  • The slippers are to be removed into the provided space in the crossover bench placed in the changing room.
  • Afterward, Personnel shall cross through the cross-over bench and wear the slippers provided on the other side of the crossbench. The separate color code is defined for different departments.
  • The Personnel shall wear a cap covering the hairs completely.
  • The personnel shall wear a nose mask.
  • Afterward, wear the respective color of aprons provided by the company.
  • Check the outfit in the mirror for proper gowning.
  • The Personnel must sanitize hands with disinfectant 70% IPA in the dispenser.
  • Enter into Plant.
  • Use Separate change rooms for workers & staff as provided by the company.
  • To understand more efficiently the procedures refer to photographic displays.

Secondary gowning before entering the manufacturing & filling area.
  • Secondary gowning shall be done while entering into production manufacturing & filling areas.
  • Cover slippers with shoe covers
  • The Person shall wear a nose mask.
  • Wear gloves.
  • Sanitize hands with hand sanitizer & enter into respective areas.

Secondary gowning before entering in Raw material stores :
  • Before entering into dispensing & sampling booth secondary gowning shall be done.
  • Cover slippers with shoe covers.
  • Personnel shall wear disposable caps.
  • The Person shall wear a nose mask.
  • Disposable Overgowning shall be done.
  • The person shall Wear gloves that are involved in sampling or dispensing.
  • Sanitize hands with hand sanitizer & enter into respective booths.

Entering procedure for visitors
  • Visitors shall wear shoe covers.
  • Crossover the crossbench.
  • Visitors shall wear aprons as provided by the company.
  • Wear a nose mask.
  • Check the onfit in the mirror for proper gowning.
  • Sanitize hands with hand sanitizer & enter into respective areas.
  • For understanding more efficiently the procedures refer to the photographic display.

Exit procedure:
  • Personnel leaving the change room should change the factory dressings (apron, cap) in the linen waste bin.
  • Disposable caps or mouthpieces shall be kept in the waste bin.
  • Keep the footwear or Shoe cover of the company in the crossbench & cross through the crossing bench.
  • Wear the slippers kept on the other side of the crossbench.
  • Exit through the changing room.
  • Personnel shall remove the slippers of the company on the stand and collect their footwear & belongings from the shelves provided by the company.


SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
QA: Quality Assurance
QC: Quality Control



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