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SOP for Dispensing of Packing Material

To provide guidelines on how to issue the required packing material to the production.

To provide a documented procedure for dispensing of packing material. 

Dispensing: Officer – Stores
Overall responsibility: Stores In charge
Supervisor for dispensing – Officer QA / Production

  • Receive the packing material issue requisition and record the serial number, material code, and date of receipt.
  • Check for the entries in all the columns viz. Dept, Batch Size., Batch No. and signatures for requisite by and authorizes by. If any of these columns is missing, return the requisition to production.

  • Check the materials in “Under Test” status. If the material requisitioned is present in Under Test” status, inform the Manager – Production and Manager – QC regarding the same. Hold the issue of the other materials till the material is approved by QC.
  • On receipt of packing material issue requisition officer stores shall inform Q.A. personnel for dispensing activities. Dispensing activities shall be carried out in the presence of Q.A. personnel only.
  • Check the packing material requisition to confirm the Name of the packing Material, Item Code of the packing material, and Quantity to be dispensed.
  • Open the pack of packing material requisition carefully and dispense them one by one packing material in sequence as mentioned in of packing material requisition
  • The material requisition will be made in two copies. one copy will be kept in the store department and a duplicate copy attached with B.P.R.

QA: Quality Assurance
QC: Quality Control
No.: Number
BPR: Batch Packing Records


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