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SOP for Storage of Approved Raw Materials

To lay down a procedure for the storage of approved raw materials in the raw material warehouse.

This procedure applies to the Warehouse Department of PharmaInfo Limited.

Raw material warehouse personnel to follow the procedure.
Warehouse in charge and Beta-Lactam In-Charge to ensure compliance.

  • The warehouse personnel shall receive back the "Goods receipt note" of a particular raw material from the Quality Control department with the details of quantity approved or quantity rejected.
  • The warehouse personnel shall check the individual containers of raw material for the “Passed” or “Rejected” labels. If any discrepancy is observed, shall inform the Quality Control Manager for corrective action.
  • If the raw material is approved, the details of the "Quantity approved" shall be recorded under the same column in the “Raw Material Quarantine Register”.
  • The details of approved raw material shall be entered in the "Material Bin Card".
  • Clean the containers of approved raw material, externally using a vacuum cleaner/ moist/wet lint-free cloth if required, and transfer the raw material to the approved raw material storage area.

  • All materials shall be stored off the floor (on pallets/racks) and off the wall at storage conditions of 20°c to 30°c and relative humidity of 40% to 70%, transfer the material to the approved raw material storage area and record in the material bin card.
  • If the material is rejected, the details of “Quantity Rejected” shall be recorded in the same column of the raw material Quarantine store register. The rejected material shall now be transferred to the store for rejected materials and appropriate entries made in the material rejected book stating the reasons for rejection.
  • After receiving the store's copy of the “Goods receipt Note “duly completed, approval/Rejection. Individual containers will now be labeled by Quality Control personnel with appropriate Passed/ Rejected labels.

Q.A: Quality Assurance
Q.C: Quality Control
SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
No. : Number
W.H: Warehouse
R.M: Raw materials
GRN: Goods receipt note



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