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SOP for Receipt, Storage and Dispatch of Finished Goods

To lay down a procedure for Receipt, storage, and dispatch of finished goods.

This procedure applies to the Warehouse Department of PharmaInfo Limited.

  • The packing supervisor is responsible for transferring the finished goods to the warehouse.
  • The finished goods warehouse supervisor is responsible for receiving, storing, and distributing finished goods.
  • The finished goods warehouse in charge or his designee is responsible for ensuring compliance.


  • The packing supervisor shall transfer the finished goods to the finished goods Warehouse along with “Finished Goods Transfer Intimation” (Refer to Annexure No.-1) in duplicate.
  • The Warehouse Supervisor shall check each Box/Shipper for details like Product Name, Strength, Batch No., Manufacturing Date, Expiry Date, Quantity, Storage conditions, etc...
  • Acknowledge the “Finished Goods Transfer Intimation” retain the original copy for records and hand over the duplicate copy to the Packing Supervisor.
  • The Warehouse Supervisor shall make necessary entries in the “Stock Register for Finished Goods” (Annexure No.-2). If required palletize the finished goods.
  • Verify the quantity of product in the loose case against the Finished Goods Transfer Intimation
  • In case of any discrepancy observed in the apparent boxes of finished goods or in the document i.e. Finished Goods Transfer Note, immediately inform the Head of the Department, Quality Assurance, and Production Department. The finished goods are received after necessary rectification.
  • Ensure the transfer of finished goods is done in the presence of a warehouse assistant.
  • Transfer the finished goods through a dedicated elevator to the finished goods storage room.
  • Transfer the finished goods pack (stacked on the pallet) from the elevator to the finished goods storage room using the hand trolley.
  • Transfer the finished goods to the Finished Goods Storage Room of the warehouse and stack them in their respective location.

  • Ensure the finished goods are stored under the required storage conditions.
  • Ensure that the environmental conditions are maintained.
  • Ensure the finished goods are stored product/batch number-wise to avoid the chances of mix-ups and for easy retrieval.
  • The pallets containing finished goods should be stacked and well segregated from the other products.
  • All finished goods received from production shall be kept in the Quarantine area until tested and passed by the Q.C department.

  • Warehouse personnel shall verify the customer Purchase Order / Delivery Order. And check the availability of the required quantity of the finished goods for dispatch.
  • Warehouse personnel shall ensure that the product is released by Q.A.
  • Issuing of finished goods must be done on order following the First in first out basis (FIFO).
  • Prepare the Invoice, and other statutory documents if any.
  • Write the identification marks on all the packages as per the Documents prepared to identify the packages belonging to one consignment.
  • After completion of all the dispatch security personnel shall release the vehicle.
  • Supervise the loading activity in the presence of security personnel.
  • Post the transaction in the Finished goods stock record as per Annexure-3 Obtain the signature of the warehouse in-charge on the checklist for compliance and archive it along with records in the Warehouse.


Q.A: Quality Assurance
Q.C: Quality Control
SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
No. : Number
W.H: Warehouse

Annexure No. – 1 - Finished goods transfer intimation
Annexure No. – 2 - Stock Register for Finished Goods
Annexure No. – 3 - Finished goods stock record


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