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SOP for Procedure for Entries to be Made on Material Bin Card

To lay down a procedure to enter data into a 'Material Bin Card' and reconciliation of stock of individual raw materials and/or packaging materials.

This procedure applies to the Warehouse Department of PharmaInfo Limited.

Raw material warehouse personnel to follow the procedure.
Quality Assurance personnel (Dispensing chemist) to verify the reconciliation of stock.
Warehouse in charge and Beta-Lactam In-Charge to ensure compliance.

  • On receipt of the ‘Goods Receipt note" duly approved and signed by the QC Manager, the warehouse in charge shall open a new 'Material Bin Card' (MBC) (annexure-1).
  • Separate MBC will be maintained for every lot/batch/Pharmacopoeia grade of the material.
  • The various entries to be made under different headings on the material bin card are as follows:
  1. Under 'Material Code' the specific identification code for raw material and/or packaging material shall be entered.
  2. Under 'Material', in the case of raw material, the generic name of the raw material followed by the Brand name, if any in brackets, shall be specified. In the case of packaging material, the name of the packaging material shall be specified.
  3. The 'Approved Quantity' column shall be filled to state the weight or number of units approved by QC for use.
  4. The date on which the QC department approved the particular lot or batch of raw material/packaging material shall be entered under 'Approved date'.
  5. Under GRN No./AR. No., AR No. of the raw material/packaging material shall be entered.
  6. Under 'Unit', the unit under which it is quantified shall be specified. For e.g., weight - Kg or gms, Volume - liters or mL, Numbers - Nos. etc.,
  7. Periodic 'Issue details' of a material with respect to the Date issued, for the Product issued, Batch No. of the product, the quantity issued, the signature of the dispensing person, and the balance stock remaining shall be entered on the respective Material Bin Card after dispensing.
  • Stock reconciliation shall be performed by the warehouse in charge after the complete consumption of a lot/batch of raw material/packaging material. QA Personnel (Dispensing chemist) shall verify the reconciliation details.
  • The quantity of material issued shall be tallied from the copies of Production requisitions that are entered on the Material Bin Card.
  • Variation between quantity approved and quantity issued shall be calculated and entered.
  • For labels and literature reconciliation, the limit shall be less than 1%. Variations up to 2% shall be accepted for raw materials and packaging materials. For raw materials less than 10 Kg. quantity, the variation up to 3% shall be acceptable. If variation exceeds the limit, the warehouse in-charge shall investigate and justify.

Q.A: Quality Assurance
Q.C: Quality Control
SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
No. : Number
W.H: Warehouse
GRN: Goods receipt note

Annexure No. - 1 - Material Bin Card


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