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SOP for Safety Guideline in QC Laboratory

To lay down a Procedure for Safety Guidelines in the Quality Control laboratory.

This SOP is applicable to Safety Guidelines in the Various sections of the Quality Control laboratory at PharmaInfo Ltd.

All Employees working in the Quality Control department.

Head QC

  • The following guidelines help to prevent accidents, which may occur due to
  1. Chemical Hazard
  2. Glassware
  3. Electrical Hazard
  4. Fire.

Chemical Hazard
  • No chemical reagents, volatile solvents, or corrosive liquids shall be pipettes out by mouth. A rubber bulb must be used
  • Keep the working place clean and tidy.

  • Avoid direct contact of corrosive chemicals with the body surface; handling should be done carefully using hand gloves.
  • Bottles containing strong acids shall be kept in thermocol cases.
  • Acid sample residue shall be washed with plenty of water immediately.
  • Do not pour volatile solvents near the necked flame.
  • Use gloves for handling concentrated acids, alkalis, and corrosive solvents.
  • Give the glassware for washing after emptying the content if it is a corrosive chemical.
  • Handle Hazardous reagents and reagents evolving irritating fumes in the fuming chamber only.

  • Do not use broken glassware.
  • If glassware was broken during analysis, it shall be replaced immediately
  • Label the Reagent bottle Appropriately.
  • Pour the liquid in a direction away from the label to avoid spoilage of the label, If any liquid spills on the outside of the bottles; wipe it with a clean duster before returning it.
  • To remove tight stoppers use inactive grease.

Electrical Hazard
  • Use only three pin plugs on switchboards.
  • In case of sparking of any electrical component switch “OFF” the main power supply and inform to concerned department.

  • In case of fire, an appropriate fire extinguisher shall be used as per the class of fire.
  • Do not use water to extinguish an electrical fire
  • If it is difficult to extinguish a fire, run Away immediately from the area through an emergency exit.

Environmental Safety
  • Dilute the strong acids and alkali with water before discarding them in the drain and sufficient water shall be flushed after pouring there.
  • Any work involving fumes and harmful gases shall be carried out in a fuming cupboard.
  • Apron, safety goggles, nose mask, and cap must be worn at all times for the protection of body and clothes.

First Aid Measure
  • Appropriate first aid shall be given in case of injuries like burns and cuts. The person shall then be taken to the nearest medical center for further treatment.
  • In case of an electric shock, switch “OFF” the main power supply of the concerned area immediately and give appropriate first aid to that person.

  • Ensure that all the associates of the Quality Control Department are aware of the safety measures. Names of trained personnel in first aid shall be displayed in the department.

SOP Training Record
Change History Log

SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
QC: Quality control
QA: Quality Assurance
No. : Number


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