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SOP for Operation and Calibration of Flame Photometer

To lay down the procedure for the operation and calibration of the Flame photometer for better and error-free use.

This procedure is applicable for Flame Photometer 128 installed in the Quality Control Department.

Execution: Chemist and above – QC department.
Checking: Manager and above – QC department

  • Ensure that the air tube, gas tube, and drain tube are properly connected.
  • Switch on the compressor. Ensure that the output pressure is close to 0.5 kg/cm2 and is stable (No fluctuations or drift is seen in the output pressure gauge).
  • Dip the Atomizer capillary tube (Plastic) in distilled water. Ensure that regular droplets fall in the drain cup and drain out.
  • Open the FUEL GAS FINE ADJ Valve by approximately half a turn. (To ensure this, start with totally closing the valve by turning it fully in a direction opposite to the arrowhead marked. Then turn it by half a turn in the direction of the arrowhead.)
  • Switch on the fuel supply from the fuel source/LPG cylinder and immediately ignite the Flame through the ignition window.
  • Watch the flame through the FLAME VIEW window. Do fine adjustment of fuel flow with the help of the GAS control valve to get a stable flame having well-defined cones.
  • Select the concentration mode (Low concentration or High concentration mode) as per requirement.
  • The next step is the selection of elements (Na, K, Ca & Li) as per the requirement.
  • Once all the parameters as per the method have been selected, then calibration of the instrument shall be performed, followed by the measurement of the sample solution.

1. Sample Measurement
  • Dip the capillary tube in the sample solution and aspirate the solution. Press the enter key. Dip the capillary tube in DD water and aspirate DD water. Press the enter key. 
  • Results will be displayed along with the element name, set no, setup name, Batch no, and sample no, the print symbol will be displayed in the upper right corner, enter sign lower right corner. Repeat the same procedure for further or next sample analysis. 
  • After completion of the analysis, take the printout and press the end key as many times as required to go back to the main menu.

Frequency: Every month or after maintenance.
  • Carry out cleaning of the atomizer by connecting the compressor outlet to the atomizer and switching on the compressor. SET 0.3 TO 0.5 Kg/cm2 pressure and aspirate air for 3-5 minutes. Now dip the capillary tube in DD water and again aspirate for 3-5 minutes.
  • Dip the capillary tube in DD water and press the enter key. Wait for a beep sound. Dip the capillary tube in standard solution and aspirate the standard(s) by following the displayed instructions one by one.
  • After the completion of calibration, the “Calibration is over, Start sample analysis” message will be displayed. Now the instrument is ready for sample analysis.

  • Before feeding in the next sample, feed distilled water to the atomizer, say for 5 sec, to avoid interference with the previous sample.
  • While switching off the instrument the gas should be closed first.
  • Switch on/off the fuel supply from the fuel regulator switch. Do not use the “FUEL GAS FINE ADJ” valve for switching on/off the fuel supply.
  • Do not drain out the air filter of the compressor when the flame is on.
  • Never keep the gas supply on when the flame is not ignited.
  • Do not disturb output regulator settings, unless required.
  • Observe the compressor output pressure daily.
  • Check all tubing connections periodically to ensure that there is no leakage. (Soapy water can be used to check leakage at any point/joint).

SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
QC: Quality Control



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