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SOP for Emergency Exit

To provide a guideline for use in handling emergency situations.

This procedure applies to the handling of any emergency situation in PharmaInfo Ltd.

  • All employees should be aware of the procedure.
  • Manager EHS/Manager HR shall be responsible for providing necessary facilities to combat emergency situations and provide training to all employees.
  • The engineering department & EHS department shall be responsible for periodic checks of emergency facilities.

Manager EHS/General Manager HRA, Factory

All employees must report at an assembly point to ensure head count.

In the event of any calamity arising in the plant, the concerned personnel should avoid creating panic among others and follow the steps outlined below to tackle the contingency. Escape routes shall be displayed at adequate places, including the positions of emergency exits.

In case of Fire in the Plant.
  • Rush and switch off the mains to cut the electric supply.
  • Use a specific type of fire extinguisher as per procedure fire classification and reduce the intensity of the fire.
  • Assess the situation and inform all concerned about the situation and acquire additional help if a fire is uncontrollable.
  • Remove all inflammable material to avoid the spread of fire to other areas.
  • Use the emergency exit route as outlined in the plan to get away from the critical area.
  • During an evacuation, do not use lifts.
  • Every person will try to avoid shouting and come out from the affected zone calmly and quietly.
  • Assemble in assemble point.
  • The HR/EHS in charge on duty shall ensure that all personnel leave the critical area.
  • Do not re-enter the building/affected area until authorized to do so.
  • Follow the First Aid procedure (SOP for First Aid) in case of any casualty.
  • In case the injured is required to be attended by the doctor then the following points are to be noted.

  1. Inform the Doctor in advance by Telephone and speed dial, so that necessary preparations are undertaken before the patient (Injured) arrives at the clinic/hospital. The doctor, after examination, shall decide whether the injured employee is required to be admitted to the clinic/hospital.
  2. In case of severe injury to personnel, the information regarding the accident shall be communicated to the following agencies as provided in the relevant labor laws.
  3. Local police must be given the first information report based on the diagnosis of the doctor to avoid complications in the event of a casualty.
  4. Complete the Form and submit it to the Factory Inspectorate in case the assessment of the accident warrants. 



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