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SOP for Shimadzu Flying Spot Scanning Densitometer (CS-9301PC)

This SOP describes the procedure for the Operation of the Shimadzu Flying Spot Scanning Densitometer.

This instrument is used for qualitative and quantitative analysis of DNA, proteins, Pharmaceuticals, etc.

It is the responsibility of designated personnel in the lab to operate this procedure and to ensure adherence to this procedure.

TLC: Thin layer Chromatography

  • Turn the scanner “ON” by flipping the yellow switch on the side of the machine. Automatically initialization starts and takes about 10 seconds.
  • Start the CS-9301PC data processing software by double-clicking the CS-9301PC icon on the desktop.
  • When communication between the scanner and the PC is established set backup parameters in the scanner to display the current coordinates, wavelength, and absorbance.

  • Click on the <lambda> pushbutton, and the dialog box will open. Reset the wavelength to the required wavelength and click on OK.
  • Click on <X go to> will open the dialog box. Reset the X-axis coordinate to 50 and click OK. Use the same procedure to move the Y-axis stage as well.
  • Specify measurement result output by clicking on the <config> dropdown menu and selecting scan configuration.

Execute as a single-lane scan
  • Click on <scanner> in the main menu and select parameters.
  • Click on <change> from the submenu and click on control parameters. Make sure that SINGLE is selected for a lane.
  • Press the START button.
  • The channel selection dialog box opens and select CH1.
  • When the file save dialog box opens, save the file with the file name (eight alphanumeric characters)

Execute auto lane scan
  • Click on <scanner> in the main menu and select parameters.
  • Click on <change> from the submenu and click on control parameters. Make sure that AUTO is selected for a lane.
  • Press the START button.
  • The channel selection dialog box opens and select CH1.
  • When the auto lane scan is ended, use a submenu on the dialog box to save the file with a file name.

  • Select <File> from the drop-down menu
  • Press on <File selection> Select the required file and click on <LOAD>.
  • A selection dialog box opens Click on the CH1 radio button and press OK.
  • Click on <Present> in the main menu, and select radar from the dropdown menu to optimize the display.
  • Read the data using the cursor by clicking the right mouse button.

Peak Analysis
  • Click on <Peak> and select Find Peaks.
  • Processing parameters dialog box open.
  • Set the width, slope, and Drift and press OK.
  • To perform peak analysis select edit peak param from the peak drop-down menu.
  • Select CH1 and click OK.
  • To get peak information select the peak list from the peak drop-down menu.



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