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SOP for Approval and Release of Finished Goods

To lay down the procedure to release the finished products for sales or distribution after reviewing essential information such as production conditions, in-process checks, examination of manufacturing and analytical documents, and the conformity of the product to their release specification

This procedure is applicable for finished goods product manufactured in the Production Formulation department of PharmaInfo Pvt. Ltd.

Executive QA shall be responsible for the preparation and compliance of SOP.
QA-Head shall be responsible for checking and compliance with the procedure.

Quality Assurance– The head shall be accountable for the proper implementation of the SOP.

  • On completion of the batch packaging operation. Officer – Production shall prepare the transfer slip for transferring the finished goods to the Finished goods Store Room
  • Quality Assurance – The Executive/officer shall check the transfer slip for the correct product name, strength, batch number, Manufacturing and expiry Date, and pack size according to the Batch Manufacturing record.
  • Quality Assurance – The Executive/officer shall check that the BMR is completed and signed in all aspects.
  • Check that control/stability samples are collected and recorded in the BMR.
  • Ensure that the finished product sample from the batch is collected and sent to the Quality Control Laboratory for testing.
  • Check the batch record for the presence of all the pages, Raw Material tags, Packing Material issues, In-Process Quality Assurance (IPQA) results, and approved packing material specimens.
  • Check the batch reconciliation and ensure that yields at various stages specified in BMR are within the specified limits.
  • Ensure that any deviation from the specified limit for yield is investigated and yield deviation report approved by the Head of the Concerned Department and Head of Quality Assurance is attached to the BMR

  • Check that all the attachments are filed in sequence as mentioned in the checklist.
  1. Check the reconciliation of packaging material.
  2. Ensure that any variance more than the acceptance limit set in the BMR shall be investigated and the Photocopy of the report, approved by the Head of the concerned department and Head – Quality Assurance shall be attached to the BMR.
  3. Ensure that any deviations from written procedures are documented and a photocopy of the process deviation report duly approved by the Head –of Quality Assurance is attached in the BMR.
  4. Check and verify the Batch Manufacturing and Packing Record as per the checklist given in BMR (Refer to Annexure – 1).
  5. If an entry or any data is found incomplete or the signature is missing at some place, get it correct and ensure that it is filled up.
  6. Ensure that any deviation reported during In-process checks is rectified and recorded, also the corrective actions are having Authorization of the Head- Quality Assurance.
  7. In case of any discrepancies, Head - Quality Assurance and the concerned Production Head shall be informed for corrective action. Do not approve the transfer slip till the discrepancies are rectified.
  8. Check quantity ready for transfer is stacked properly on pallets.
  9. Check for the correct batch coding on the shipper to match with the Batch Manufacturing Record.
  10. Physically verify the Finished Goods Quantity against the transfer slip Quantity. In case of a Loose Box open the box and verify the quantity, if Discrepancy observed informed to Head of Production and get it rectified and clear the transfer slip by signing in the column provided for Quality Assurance and hand over to the Finished goods store room and attach one copy with the BMR.
  11. Handover completed batch documents to the Head – Quality Assurance or his designee.
  12. Head – QC shall check the complete analytical report with a Certificate Of Analysis (COA) and ensure that the report is consistent with the approved release specification of the product. Handover the Certificate of Analysis to Quality Assurance to attach with BMR.
  13. If all documents are found satisfactory then the Head – Quality Assurance or his designee shall approve the Batch Document.
  14. Quality Assurance – Officer / Executive shall prepare the Batch Release Note (Refer to Annexure – 2).
  15. Head – Quality Assurance or his designee shall approve the Batch Release Note and handover to the Finished goods store room for sale or distribution of Finished Goods. One Photocopy of the Batch Release Note shall be attached with BMR.
  16. QA head or his designee shall release the batch.

QA: Quality Assurance
QC: Quality Control

Annexure-1: Format for document checklist in Batch Manufacturing Record
Annexure-2: Batch Release Note


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