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SOP for to Assign Job Description of the Employee

The objective of this SOP is to ensure that all employees in PharmaInfo Ltd. have clear and concise job descriptions that outline their responsibilities, duties, and authority. This will help to ensure that employees are aware of their roles and responsibilities, which will in turn help to improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the organization.

This SOP applies to all employees in PharmaInfo Ltd., regardless of their job title or department. This SOP is applicable to all the Employees joining in PharmaInfo Ltd.

The following individuals are responsible for the implementation of this SOP:
  1. Human Resources Manager: The Human Resources Manager is responsible for developing and maintaining the job descriptions for all employees.
  2. Managers: Managers are responsible for ensuring that their employees are aware of their job descriptions and that they are meeting the expectations outlined in those descriptions.
  3. Employees: Employees are responsible for reading and understanding their job descriptions and for meeting the expectations outlined in those descriptions.

  • The Human Resources Manager should develop a job description for each position in the organization. The job description should include the following information:
  1. Job title
  2. Department
  3. Reports to
  4. Summary of Duties
  5. Responsibilities
  6. Duties
  7. Authority
  • All department heads shall assign and decide the job description of each Employee in their department. The Human Resources Manager should review the job description with the manager of the department where the position is located.
  • The job description must include the details of Primary Job Responsibility, Secondary Job Responsibility, and any other work assigned.
  • The manager of the department should review the job description with the employee who will be filling the position.
  • After assigning the Job Description, the responsibilities must be signed by an alternate person and authorized by the Dept. Head and accepted by the Employee by signing and putting the date.
  • A duly signed copy of the Job Descriptions must then be given to all the staff.
  • The Human Resources Manager should maintain a copy of the job description in the employee's personnel file.

Job descriptions should be reviewed and updated on a regular basis to ensure that they are accurate and reflect the current job duties and responsibilities of the employee.

The Human Resources Manager should maintain a copy of all job descriptions in the employee's personnel file.

The Human Resources Manager should provide training to managers and employees on the importance of job descriptions and how to use them effectively.

Dept.: Department
SOP: Standard Operating Procedure


Revision History

ALSO READ: SOP for Pre-Employment and Periodic Medical Check-up

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