The purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to provide guidelines for reviewing and verifying analytical data generated in the pharmaceutical industry. This SOP ensures that analytical data is accurately recorded, evaluated, and reported to support product quality and compliance with regulatory requirements.

  • This SOP applies to all analytical data generated in the pharmaceutical industry, including data from stability studies, release testing, and in-process testing.
  • This SOP applies to all personnel involved in reviewing and verifying analytical data in the pharmaceutical industry, including analysts, quality control personnel, and quality assurance personnel.

  • Generate accurate and complete analytical data.
  • Document all observations, calculations, and interpretations clearly and concisely.
  • Notify the supervisor or quality control personnel of any discrepancies or deviations encountered during data generation.

Quality Control Personnel
  • Review analytical data for completeness, accuracy, and compliance with approved methods and specifications.
  • Conduct trending and statistical analysis of data to identify any aberrant or out-of-trend results.
  • Communicate with analysts regarding any data discrepancies or issues identified.

Quality Assurance Personnel
  • Perform an independent review of analytical data to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, internal procedures, and industry standards.
  • Verify that all deviationsout-of-specification (OOS) results, and investigations are appropriately documented and resolved.
  • Provide oversight and support for the implementation of corrective and preventive actions (CAPAs) related to analytical data review.

The following steps will be followed when reviewing analytical data:
  • The reviewer will verify the identity of the sample being tested.
  • The reviewer will verify the accuracy of the analytical method used.
  • The reviewer will verify the accuracy of the results.
  • The reviewer will identify any potential problems with the data.
  • The reviewer will take appropriate action to address any potential issues.

1. Data Integrity 
  • All analytical data should be recorded directly, accurately, and legibly in the laboratory notebook or an approved electronic data management system. 
  • The use of correction fluids or erasers on data records is strictly prohibited. Any errors should be crossed out neatly with a single line and signed or initialed and dated by the person who made the error. 
  • Electronic data should be protected from unauthorized access, modification, or deletion. Appropriate access controls and backup procedures should be in place.

2. Review of Raw Data
  • Ensure that all necessary raw data, including computations, chromatograms, and instrument printouts, are accessible and well-organized for examination.
  • Check the precision of the instrument settings, calibration records, sample preparation, and identification of the sample.
  • Check the raw data for accuracy, integrity, and the presence of all necessary data fields and signatures.
  • Check for any missing, incomplete, or manipulated data, and in conjunction with the analyst, investigate and correct any discrepancies.

3. Data Evaluation
  • Evaluate the outcomes in light of the set specifications, acceptance criteria, and legal requirements.
  • Check calculations for correctness and conformance to approved procedures, including dilutions, standard preparations, and % recoveries.
  • Confirm that the analysis used the proper controls and reference standards.
  • Examine statistical analyses and trends to find any results that deviate from the norm or are abnormal.
  • Make sure to properly handle and resolve any deviations, out-of-specification (OOS) results, or investigations.

4. Documentation and Reporting 
  • Maintain accurate and complete documentation of the review process, including observations, comments, and conclusions. 
  • Approve the reviewed data or identify any issues or concerns that require further action. 
  • Prepare and maintain appropriate records, reports, and summaries of the reviewed analytical data. 
  • Communicate the review findings to the relevant personnel, including analysts, quality control, and quality assurance personnel.
  • All analytical data reviews will be documented in a written report. The report will include the following information:
  1. The name of the sample being tested
  2. The analytical method used
  3. The results of the analysis
  4. Any potential problems identified
  5. Any actions are taken to address potential problems

5. Training and Qualification
  • Provide adequate training to analysts, quality control, and quality assurance personnel regarding the requirements and procedures outlined in this SOP. 
  • Ensure that personnel involved in data review possess the necessary knowledge, skills, and qualifications to perform their assigned tasks effectively.
  • All personnel involved in the review of analytical data will be trained on this SOP. Training will include the following topics:
  1. The importance of accurate and reliable analytical data
  2. The steps involved in the review of analytical data
  3. The criteria used to identify potential problems
  4. The actions to be taken to address potential problems

6. Audits
The QA department will conduct audits of the analytical data review process regularly. Audits will be conducted to ensure that the process is being followed by this SOP.

7. Deviations and Corrective Actions 
  • Any deviations from this SOP should be documented, investigated, and resolved by the appropriate deviation management procedure. 
  • Implement corrective and preventive actions (CAPAs) to address any identified deficiencies or non-compliance with this SOP.

8. Records Retention
  • All records related to analytical data review should be retained as per the company's document retention policy and applicable regulatory requirements.

9. References
List any applicable references, such as regulatory guidelines, industry standards, or internal procedures, that are relevant to analytical data review

SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
QA: Quality Assurance
QC: Quality Control

Analytical Data Review Checklist


Checklist Item

Data Integrity

Are all records complete, accurate, and legible?

Was the use of correction fluids or erasers avoided?

Is electronic data protected from unauthorized access or modification?

Raw Data

Are all relevant raw data records available and organized?

Is the sample identification accurate?

Were proper sample preparation and instrument settings used?

Data Completeness

Are all required data fields and signatures present?

Are there any missing, incomplete, or altered data?

Data Evaluation

Do the results meet acceptance criteria and specifications?

Are calculations accurate and aligned with approved methods?

Were appropriate controls and reference standards used?

Are there any out-of-trend or aberrant results?

Documentation and Reporting

Are accurate and complete records of the review process maintained?

Are there any identified issues or concerns that require further action?

Are appropriate records, reports, and summaries maintained?

Training and Qualification

Have personnel involved in data review received adequate training?

Do personnel possess the necessary knowledge and qualifications?

Deviations and Corrective Actions

Are deviations from the review process documented and resolved?

Are corrective and preventive actions (CAPAs) implemented when needed?

Records Retention

Are records retained as per the company's document retention policy?


Are applicable regulatory guidelines and standards followed?

Revision History